Welcome to FreeTheStock.com, your go-to source for community-driven stock images. Our platform is dedicated to providing high-quality, royalty-free images that can be used for both personal and commercial purposes without any attribution required.
License Overview:
All images available on FreeTheStock.com are released under the Creative Commons CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license. This means that you are free to:
- Use for Personal and Commercial Purposes: You can use our images for personal projects, commercial projects, advertising, websites, blogs, presentations, and more, without any restrictions.
- Modify and Adapt: You are free to modify, edit, or adapt the images to suit your needs. Whether it’s cropping, adding filters, or incorporating them into larger designs, the choice is yours.
- Share and Distribute: You can share the images with others, include them in collections, or distribute them as part of your own projects.
- No Attribution Required: Under the CC0 license, attribution is not required. However, if you choose to credit FreeTheStock.com or the contributing photographer, it is always appreciated but not mandatory.
While the CC0 license offers significant freedom, there are some restrictions to keep in mind:
- No Infringement of Rights: You cannot use the images in a way that infringes on the rights of others. This includes using images that depict identifiable people in a misleading, offensive, or defamatory manner.
- No False Endorsement: You cannot imply endorsement by the photographer or FreeTheStock.com without explicit permission.
- Disclaimer: FreeTheStock.com provides all images “as is” without any warranty. While we strive to ensure the quality and legality of the images, we cannot guarantee that there will not be any legal issues arising from their use.
By using FreeTheStock.com, you agree to abide by the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 license and the additional restrictions outlined above.
Enjoy the freedom to create with FreeTheStock.com!